Friday, April 16, 2010

I wrote this in anger...
I just want my voice heard.

You're a stuck up fuck up
Doesn't matter how you were brought up
There's one thing about you
And that is you cant shut up
So back up
Let me tell you what a mess up
You are!
When you fed up
You get caught up
There's no surprise
You're a screw up
No one will ever let up
So just get up
Maybe get a check up
'Coz right now you're a
Block up
In society's ass

I cant stand modesty yet vanity does not slip by me happily.
It's sickening to watch those prevail and ignore those who fail.
However it still infuriates me to see arrogance try help...what do you know of poverty,mentally ill,handicaps,warfare not try to understand a life you do not live, but I am a hypocrite because I do not have any of this. Like I said we follow instinct, I see no humans here, it is a myth, a simple lie to cover up the dreadful truth:
We are not compassionate, no matter how emotional we get. Sure we'd do something for others, but then that comes with the expectation they'd do the same for us. Selfish acts if noticeable are therefore put in Coventry, mild silent ones that are twisted are regarded precious and happily rewarded. Still what hope do we have to find more than one saint every century, a god given prophet.
This ambiguous post just had to be said, such indignation I hold...enough to actually say this.
I hate this. There simple and sincere.


  1. Maybe some of the anger left the pen and stayed on the paper when written out. And now your voice is heard, keep writing dear Cammy.
    xo lori
