Monday, January 17, 2011

she's awesome....she can make you feel so good about yourself in a matter of 3 seconds splurging out words that probably dont make sense to the normal faculty... she laughs and laughs and laughs at things that would never appear funny but instantly are 'coz she found some way of looking at it which would make you lose all sense of logic and join in with her sweet hysteria...she cares but at the same time knows when to just forget she's nice and go ape on you...though i dont think there has ever been a moment where she lost it with me...we just click!

She does get sad but never think she'll abandon you for her own matters because its you first always!!!its impossible not to defend her if someone thinks she's a lil kooky...dammit...she has every right to be...considering her options of being a moron or a nerd(though i have nothing against these people they still are annoying to be around)

she gets sleepy and starts mumbling the weirdest things...she gets hungry...ALOT and its so cute to see her fight for food....she wants a bloody dog and gets moody about it when she refused one...
she's faithful,loyal,honest,joyful and again freakin hungry
i love her

she's my best friend


  1. <3 <3 <3 <3 I love you so damn much. You've nailed it my darling.

  2. hehehe well unless I have a personality twin Cammy, I think it pretty much sounds like me :D Especially the "she gets moody when she's refused a dog" XD
