Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Course Through me and emerge out as me

Course through my vanity and emerge out as me…you’ll see how I loath things and wish I could strip things just make up things that cover up all the things that were lied to me.

Course through my serenity and emerge out as me…you’ll see I was never truthful and wondered how I never did things or saw things or never really liked me through the eyes of you.

Course through my passion and emerge out as me…you’ll see there is no vivacious energy about me with no hidden talents special or no reasons to love me as I can never keep or have what is true.

Course through my sadness and emerge out as me… you’ll see I’m like no other but have nothing better that I want nothing else than to have peace but achieve nothing for I can do nothing as Im immobile in the process of emerging but failing to come out as me.


  1. this is outrageously fantastically brilliant darlin'! keep it up! LOVE it! xx j

  2. i found you through algerian angel.
    i agree,your writing is gorgeous, i love your header words, "look at me through my passion". please keep writing and sharing, and if it's okay with you i'll add myself as a follower.
    x lori
