You see her, sitting there under the lights, so bright and gloriously displayed...
You have to have you work and work to get her....
Then finally, her door opens for you.....
You get in, the new smell is so good and you wanna cruise...
You step on it,harder and harder,testing just how far she'll go for you...
She's sleek and smooth and knows how to move...
She can wind,she can turn, she lets you take control....
She's perfectly balanced and rides with ease.....
You hit a few bumps at times but still she aims to please.....
Then crash, her body breaks and you mangled within it....
Crushed by the blow it dealt you....
You're not sure who to blame, her or you....
So off she goes to the scrap yard, while you tend to your wounds.....
You don't want to remember the times where you had so much fun with her, the way she took you places you've never been before, the way you got to brag to your friends about her.....She was precious, precious and yours, she's probably someones plate to eat off of now....
You know you still care though, because of the scars she left you....
Your first Blue Corvette.
You, my dear friend are completely and utterly brilliant :)