My mind is all sticky; it’s hard to get in without fixing yourself tight first. Watch as I wrap my thoughts around you, squeezed in an irregular shape with polar points holding the feelings towards you so closely that it’s a shocker you don’t see the obvious mania I have.
Ive always loved passion but Ive never had the initiative to release it. Come try, see that I offer it but my hyperactivity is withheld because I don’t want to break you. What a remark to make on behalf of egotism, it is true though, I'm frightened that you can’t handle me. Especially if you have to look at me, be with me and love me all that time, it gets exhausting I know that, even though I don’t get tired easily.
Should I judge those who get it easy because they’re just lovable as themselves?
I love companions but do I ever get it right? Afraid the answer is no, it seems no matter how either friend acts one falls for the other, most of the time that friend would be me, cascading love is consumed with what use to be jealously but now protection. I will be honest after a while of wishing I do get that friend, but I regret it when they notice how I drawback. Indeed life goes by the saying – be careful what you wish for.
To those friends who think not trying anymore is the way to go, cool down and just get on with figuring yourself out, energy is precious to us so failing and giving up is such a waste.
A muddled extract of my brain matter and nervous feeling, I have no clue where to begin with issues that don’t show instant solutions, maybe I should label this as anxiety, at least that’s answered!
Panic struck I can only hope there are people who manage this with me. What’s up with that anyway, everyone is different so by being different we are the same…this makes my world all the more smaller. It’s hard to have some alone time when there’s no space for your own bubble.